Monday, March 5, 2012

weekly walking dead post

Walking dead

Ok. I won't type out the stupid this show only does suspense well thing. So fuck it. I guess because the last episode was so good they needed a catch up episode. So we check back in on the Korean guy and I don't remember the last time the black guy talked.

The dead child's mother is annoying and yeah she's basically dead meat waiting until her sympathy is dried up and people don't care about her. They will kill her off. But I mean honestly. I can not stand Dale.

He's just...


doing the same fucking thing...

and its just

He's the most exasperated and bewildered character ever on television. Stopped being shocked by your surroundings.

I swear they added a daughter to Herschel for no reason other than they'll need to kill her. They used a kid and zombie thrill for two commercial break cliff hangers. Two. Congrats show. And this is another thing I am officially over with this show. Why does there always have to be a longing conversation about life before. Its like the show is basically guys hanging out with their highschool friends and reminiscing about the good ol' days. And its like, I understand you are in a transitional period in your life, but we know this. We watched your life, you don't have to explain to us how you feel when we saw you transform. Its not like if you were watching a show about butterflies and they feel the need to tell you what life was back when they were just a caterpillar. And its like, yeah, I knew you then. We don't have to review that life has changed, we watched it changed. Now if we met you when you were a butterfly then its like. Ok. Tell me about you as a caterpillar because I have no idea.

Whatever. Enough about this show. It's gotten better lately. Hitting it with a newspaper is not called for. Especially with the delightful treat at the end of the episode. Fuck You Dale.

Also how long does it take to decide to shoot some one who is bleeding out on the dirty ground with his fucking guts ripped out? I don't know either, but that reminds me I need to finish my Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy review.

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please be a dick about this