Thursday, January 24, 2013


I hate positive reviews but let me just say this movie is to action as Scott Pilgrim Vs The World was to comic book movies. It's the severely under panned under appreciated gem of its respective genre that didn't get the audience it deserves because its audience is too busy making a big deal out of the Nolan Batmans to notice far better movies around them.

The fact this movie will just be a kicked around DVD that people will have to make their friends watch only legitimizes it to me. Those make up most of my favorite movies. This one is no exception. Whoever made this movie. Good work sorry no one noticed.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Best Director. Spielberg, Tarantino, PTA, Wes Anderson, Kathryn Bigelow, Beasts of the Southern Wild

Snubs for days.

Kathryn Bigelow

Paul Thomas Anderson

Wes Anderson.

Quintin Tarantino.

Ben Affleck

I get depressed thinking that the Oscar won't be won by one of these people, they're actually with the inclusion Michael Haneke that rounds out my top 5-6 of picks for who I thought deserved it. The more I read about film direction the more I'm convinced I know more than I actually do and the more I start to believe my phony bologna opinion. David O'Russel makes fantastic movies and Ang Lee really made an entertaining movie, but neither were considered by anyone to be top 5 movies of the year. Its just kind of disarming to see Beasts of the Southern Wild on this list, I guess its their "see we're still cool" nomination by picking a first time movie maker for his extremely overwrought attempt. I mean the movie really was just a phenomenal acting job of a five year old who didn't know what was around her was a complete mess. The film is like drunk college girl sloppy. It just seems the Hole of movies, it feels like its connected to something great, but it just feels like too many contrived hands have touched it and when you finally get your hands on it it just smells like a handful of really well travelled and handled coins.

The inclusion of Spielberg just seems like a nod to his name. I guess Lincoln is set to sweep but it really shouldn't. The worst part about Lincoln was the point of view and pacing. The two things I can really determine what a director does. And that movie was unbalanced and milquetoast period piece that everyone saw in the mid 90s.

This is my first Oscars where the story isn't who wins it was who isn't nominated. Ben Affleck wins the Golden Globe but isn't nominated for an Oscar? I don't understand that. I understand which carries more weight but is anyone else surprised at how that comes off? Kathryn Bigelow gets some heat for her movie that depicts actual events not having a spin on it to condemn torture more. Like she should've changed the story to help the Hollywood agenda. And I'm not some anti-Hollywood down with liberals guy but to act like a movie that didn't carry the social message you subscribe to is somehow evil now and the returning Best Director from 2 years ago who is back with a bigger better movie is a fucking crime against art.

Whatever. Bigelow Anderson Affleck PTA Tarantino Haneke in that order. So good luck Mike. Anyone but Spielberg would make me happy,

Tuesday, January 8, 2013