Sunday, October 30, 2011

so... who is tired of the directors of walking dead trying to confuse character depth with them not cutting away from a scene and just showing someone holding a stupid face?

they try and make the show seem like there is something going on by just stalling on a person's face for another 2 seconds rather than actually have them do or say anything to identify them from the people around them

Saturday, October 29, 2011

when the walking dead injures the child and they don't kill him off and use the incident to just kill time, its just lazy. by the end of the season the kid will be fine and the story will move along like nothing happened.

...really its just harvesting emotions from the audience without having to put the pressure on the storyline to actually have something happen.

fuck this show.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

“…I sympathise with people who didn’t like the MacGuffin because I never liked the MacGuffin. George and I had big arguments about the MacGuffin. I didn’t want these things to be either aliens or inter-dimensional beings. But I am loyal to my best friend. When he writes a story he believes in - even if I don’t believe in it - I’m going to shoot the movie the way George envisaged it. I’ll add my own touches, I’ll bring my own cast in, I’ll shoot the way I want to shoot it, but I will always defer to George as the storyteller of the Indy series. I will never fight him on that.”


you know what dude? fuck you
you suck too
and your best friend is a hack

i don't even care about shitty star wars but indy4 really was horse shit that no one needed to have made.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

i'm not sure i get the sell of the new sherlock holmes movie.

if i wanted to see downey jr just be charming and likable i could just watch him in anything
english iron man with no suit really is not as appealing as you'd think

Sunday, October 16, 2011

the walking meh'd

The Walking Dead is such a great well written show I've watched 8 minutes of the second season premier and I've decided I don't have to watch the first season.

It's ok and all I guess if this is your thing, but honestly, its just a 90 minute typical zombie movie just with the middle hour of it lasting 9 hours.

I guess I just don't like horror movies unless they're suspenseful and done really well. Not that this isn't done well because I've watched 12 minutes now and I can't really destroy the whole series just to do it. But I mean... Its just a fucking zombie with plots and points borrowed from every zombie movie.

the kid
the stranger with the past
can we fix them
is there a place with cure
is there a nonzombie city

this show is ok if you skip through the really piss poor back story and tension between the shallow as fuck characters. just skip to the suspense. but then again i'm sure you could say the same thing about any shitty action movie.

all these plots have been done before. no one has any responsibility with this show to do anything new. amc is a million times better than this, they just went for a niche audience and they got it because people who are childish enough to like zombie stories will literally like anything just because its a zombie story.

just without tits.
at least Zombieland was funny, for parts.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Its not George Lucas' fault you're a fucking child with money.

As little credit as i give Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I will say this, at least they're better than Star Wars.

Star Wars really is the work of a master, a master sheep shearer. He re-releases the same shit to the masses and they suck it up. Now before you roll your eyes that this is just another George Lucas is a piece of shit piece, relax, it isn't. George Lucas gives his fanbase exactly what they want. He delivers consistently to their demands. Blue Ray, New runs in the theaters, new movies, animations, none of these ventures are struggling. Its not like George Lucas put StarWars in any venture that his fans didn't suck up like the vacuums of mediocrity they wait overnight to be. They race to buy this guy another billion dollar mansion fully knowing he is a no longer an artist and just an industry. All because he sold them a story when they were young enough to not realize its contrite and just fantastical nonsense. People hate the guy but yet line up to suck his dried cum out of his underwear because he is their monolith they fucking resent bowing to.

What do you call a king who's subjects hate him but yet push their tributes to him every time he asks for it?


I never got into Star Wars as a kid, I was too busy getting laid at 7 and dunking basketballs on a full size hoop to even watch the shit. I don't have the nostalgia for it. When people tell me the first the 3 movies were great and the last 3 weren't I get a headache. They were the same cow different tit. They are not well put together movies, there is no perspective, no real impact on anything, its just a made up world that he couldn't connect anyone to. Is it easy to paint a sunset that no one saw but you or one a million people see everyday? He made up a fantasy world borrowed a storyline, filmed it poorly, sold it well. And all the power to him he hit a home run. I wasn't around for the first run of Star Wars and my dad isn't a jerk off who would watch it when it was on tv and I never had a socially retarded cousin or uncle to try and get me to watch them when I was younger so I probably missed the wheelhouse where this could've got into my dna the way xmen, ninja turtles, and tits did when I was of an impressionable age. I was talking to a friend of mine today who said he liked the movies, I asked him when he saw them first. "12". Not to act like I'm better than anyone, whatever I was watching when I was a kid I still probably would fight someone over for knocking it. Jurassic Park, Pulp Fiction and Tommy Boy are my Star Wars I guess.

The first Star Wars movie I saw was the second of the new series, and I was bored to tears. I thought wow this is an injustice, until I saw the first 3, then I realized that Lucas isn't a hack, it was right on target with its predecessors. Did you guys know people who grew up on the later 3 love them? Seriously, there are people who love Darth Tacobell Collectors Cup or whatever the Mortal Kombat looking guy is. There are people who like CGI Yoda and Samuel L Jedi. I'm dead serious look at the Imdb boards. Its full of 20 somethings who love those movies arguing with 30 somethings about the movies being good. Its like watching republicans and democrats argue about which of their parties is right when they're both just fuckheads. The 30 year-olds have the more valid point but its just that the first 3 came out while all their fans were 12 and now that they're all in their 30s they're thinking what the fuck these are kids movies. But they're fucking wrong.

The first 3 were for fucking kids too. The first ones had fucking gummy bears. people compare the robots as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Which is a stretch. At best they're a fucking dogshit interlude in a horseshit movie. People act like Bobba Fet is a bad ass.


does not add up to a fucking bad ass. He never talked or did anything really other than trick Indiana Jones into some trap and narc him the fuck out. So congrats guys on looking up to a stooge you pussies and while we're fucking here; Lucas gets creamed for not giving his loser fans what they want. But then during the shit sequels he offers up a back story to the fucking background character just because a niche fan base latched onto him like he's some cool obscure character and they still say its not enough. What did you twats want? Another cantina scene with a bunch of fucking puppets playing music?

Also people are mad that he is re-editing the movies and fucking up classics. Yet these are the same pieces of shit who shell out 100$ for the blue ray set to begin with. If you don't like things being changed then don't support it. I'm not going to see the new version of The Thing. I missed the black Honeymooners. I shan't be seeing the Point Break remake, or Taking of Pellham 123 or Midnight Cowboy, or Straw Dogs because if I want to see those movies I'll just watch the originals. Star Wars fans contribute to the comic books and remakes world that is film these days.

The great Director of The French Connection William Friedkin recently said "It's harder and harder to do (original adult material) in this climate of American film... which is mostly concerned with movies that are comic books, and remakes"

well no fucking shit willy, its because people are lining up to reissue Lucas and Dreamworks another 10 figures just so they can complain on message boards that their great pieces of art didn't need to be changed. And its all because of fucking fanboys clinging to their childhood, Scott Pilgrim made less money than the Green Lantern. Now like Scott Pilgrim or not at least it was different, at least it was something. Even when Hollywood lets a clever adaptation of a previous work slip out the fan boys aren't there to pick it up and give it any credit for it being anything.

so whatever.
get ready for Jurassic Park 4 and then the 5 dvd set.