Friday, February 24, 2012

Best supporting actress

Well with whatever those things are approaching I figure I should post about them because... I need to kill 2 hours before my friends show up and we go out for nachos.

I only really care about best acting performance and movie, screen play I will try to invest more time in and cinematography and direction should eventually become goals of mine as well. I've seen every movie in question I think and if I didn't I will either pretend I did or discredit site unseen. Also I will be including swipes at everyone I don't like and praise for those I feel who have been snubbed previously.
so here

Title is in bold, i have them ranked from last to first.

Best Supporting Role by a Human With a Cunt.
no seriously thats what I'm calling it.This is one of the few categories I have no strong feelings for any of the names involved other than based on their performance in their movies, which is how a rational person would look at things, and this blog contains 0 posters with that trait.

Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs What a dreadful fucking movie, god did this movie suck to sit through. I've seen ant hills less dry than this movie, I'm holding her back because of how bad the movie was Glen Close stunk in this movie it had no levity and really was as heavy as a movie could get, the problem was the substance wasn't there, it was Sophie's Choice over a movie with a minimal arch with 0 importance. It was like sitting through a story from your girlfriend's friend about how hard her life is and what a struggle every day is for her at her insurance job, while you watch a documentary about Darfur.

Octavia Spencer, The Help What a dreadful fucking movie, its been made a million times and I have no idea what separates this woman's performance from any other movie just like it. She was fine in it, certainly wasn't nearly as good as the other woman in it, and I guess if I keep typing this will be seen as racist.

Melissa McCarthy, Bridesmaids What a dreadful fucking movie, I will say this, out of the entire movie the one thing I would consider funny is her role of Megan in this movie. I really don't understand how this movie got as much hype as it did, I guess its the new Hollywood thing to laud middle level attractive women who make graphic sexual jokes, I don't get it. To quote the beyond brilliant Norm Mcdonald on Sarah Silverman..."who's funnier than her, except dudes" Comedies never get the credit they deserve, its a lot harder to be funny than it is to be serious and if someone does a really good job at it they deserve a lot of credit, McCarthy did a pretty good job and deserves some credit.

Jessica Chastain, The Help If she was nominated for Take Shelter, then she should win this award, that was actually a brilliant movie and she had such an important part in the movie and it would fall on the floor and break with out her in it. She also was the one tolerable part of Tree Of Life other than the dinosaur scene which I thought was there for comic relief, oh well, back to Jessica, she had 3 really strong roles this year and if the Oscars gave a best overall work for the consideration time frame she would win the title by far.

Bérénice Bejo, The Artist A lot more on this movie later. Ok, I really liked this movie, and if anyone in this movie deserved an Oscar it is her for her role of name I can't remember dancer lady who legitimately may have the brightest eyes on earth, maybe its praise to the movie and direction there in but at no point did I ever get confused by her intent and emotions while she was on screen. I thought she was great and I hope she launches from this Oscar into more movies where I can actually hear her voice.

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