Sunday, February 26, 2012

best ho

Glenn Close for Albert Nobbs (2011)
What a dreadful fucking movie this was. Stop it. Fuck you for even being here. Considering it didn't get nominated this will be my last time to bash this movie so I am going to take it. To act like anyone in this movie did anything worthy of any nomination is fucking absurd. This movie was so fucking dull, the supporting actress is the one who really went through a tough time, Albert is just an inconspicuous boring fop of a person who cross dressed to get a job. Close was good and all but moping is not a fucking class of acting, this basically was The Man Who Wasn't There except with a gender role spin. I guess this is the academy's nod to the gender issue crisis that some people have, but again, a woman pretending to be a man to be a fucking waiter is seriously more boring than it sounds.

Viola Davis for The Help (2011)

What a dreadful fucking movie this was. Was she even the lead? I though Zombieland girl was. Even so she played one of the two maids... I guess she was the more featured of the maids but... its a shitty movie. She was just the whatever lady in it, its a new Driving Miss Daisy, I don't know, maybe I'm just a miserable bigot but I know when a movie is done well its great, and when its not it just feels like an after school special. I also don't get how she qualifies as a best actress but Berenice Bejo doesn't? Anyone care to explain this to me? Berenice had WAY more screen time in her role and was infinitely better.

Rooney Mara for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) So yeah, She was the best part of this movie, I can't believe how good of an actor Bond 5.0 is and yeah this is where she should be. 3rd, she was great but yeah she was the show. I didn't really like this movie, and I'm not sure I met anyone who did.

Meryl Streep for The Iron Lady (2011) Meryl is the best actor/actress in the world and what sucks is she hasn't won an award since 1983 and has only won 2 awards. Which is mind-boggling considering since her last Oscar she's been nominated 12 times. So yes, I don't know much about Margaret Thatcher, from what I read she does a great job of impersonating her, which is great because the movie is worse than fucking paint drying, at least when paint dries something gets accomplished. I am to understand that Thatcher actually led an interesting life, but you can't tell by this movie, this would be like writing a biopic about J Edgar Hoover and having it be miserably boring and that's almost impossible to do.....fuck. I guess I'm front running with her, but whatever, she's the best in her breed and she deserves to win this know if it wasn't for the future Meryl Streep, Michelle Williams.

Michelle Williams for My Week with Marilyn (2011) For me to start a conversation about what could be the best Actress of the last 5 years and the next 20 years with Dawson's Creek is kind of hilariously disgusting. But I fucking knew she was a great actress since back in the day, and I always wanted to way fuck her over Katie Holmes... I'm even embarrassed for typing that. So lets actually discuss the role and movie she was in for the first time in this entire series of posts. This movie without Michelle Williams would be a fucking piece of shit. I guarantee you people thought this role should've gone to Scarlet Johanson because she looks a fuck ton more like Marilyn Monroe than Michelle Williams, but Kate Upton looks a lot more like Monroe than Williams, but she's a shit actress...and so is Johanson. This is movie is about her, and everything plays off her, there is no one else in this movie you even pay attention to. She deserves the Oscar like any player on a shitty team that carries their team to the playoffs deserves the MVP. Its funny how my two best Actress picks are from two really bland movies. But if someone else was cast as Thatcher I think it would still be boring and dry, but if someone else was cast as Monroe the movie would disintegrate into something no one could take seriously, like a step below that Ashley Judd Monroe movie. This movie would be an unnoticed farce of a production and the credibility it was given by Williams is immeasurable. I saw this movie based solely on her being in it.

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