Tuesday, June 21, 2011

trailer park pt 2


I honestly challenge any of you to find me a trailer of a movie I want to see less or have less of a problem of the movie even being made than this one.

take your time.

because this movie is fucking exhausting to even see a 90 second summary of.

and if any of you can explain to me why this man is allowed to make movies any more OR how he can sleep at night please don't hesitate to call me on my cell phone to explain it.


  1. someone actually told me there was going to be a movie based on rock 'em sock 'em robots. i didn't believe it, but this absolutely has to be what they meant. also, not joking.... there is going to be a movie based on candyland. supposedly it will be a live ACTION movie.

  2. I liked Hugh Jackman and then I watched this.


please be a dick about this