Tuesday, May 3, 2011


really shitty confession, I swear I love Vin Diesel as an actor/human and I insist that action movies are good as mindless silliness.

yet out of the series I've only seen Fast and Furious 2 and I honestly hated it.


  1. That's a lie. I've watched the first one with you. I'm pretty sure more than once.

  2. surprisingly i've heard only good things about the new one.


  3. I liked Riddick and the one where he was a cop out for revenge.

    Tokyo Drift was the only one that did anything for me (and VD isn't in it).

  4. i didn't see the riddick movie, or for that matter the other thing he did that was just like it, but i insist he's great

  5. He has one character that he plays in every film. Only the occupation changes.

    Pitch Black was the other thing he did and it was pretty good. Better than the actual Riddick film which was like watching a tragic mash up of Dune and Battlestar Galactica.

  6. "the other thing he did that was just like it" Are you trying to claim that you didn't see Pitch Black? That's another one I know I've seen at 83 Mill.

  7. no i saw that i'm talking about the OTHER OTHER thing

    just like that

  8. It is tough to see his movies. I saw the first ff and XXX and started living the mantras. How can you see movies when you live your life a quarter mile at a time? Thats how I do. And I never narc'd on NOBODY.

  9. >OTHER OTHER thing

    the one where he's a babysitter?
    the one where he's a gangster who acts as his own attorney?
    the one that's Knockaround Guys?

  10. no, the attorney one was surprisingly enjoyable, really weird casting by lumet on that one, but he was kind of right. kind of.

    i meant babylon AD


please be a dick about this