Monday, May 9, 2011

I can't get over how bad Morgan Freeman and Ed Harris were in Gone Baby Gone. The studio got so little for return of their $


  1. i usually love ed harris, but between this and his god awful fucking performance in a history of violence, i want him to retire every time i see him

  2. i forgot about history of violence, he should get sued by the film makers from that being a truly good movie because of him taking a shit in a bucket and leaving it in the audience's living room

  3. It's a bummer that Ed Harris somehow ended up cartoonish in a movie otherwise filled with realistic-like acting.

    I've never seen Gone Baby Gone.
    Ben Affleck doesn't deserve my time.
    (The Town was mediocre. Renner was treading water and still out-acted Affleck. Hamm was wasted in his role.)

  4. Hamm like he is in other non-draper roles, or even draper when he gets emotional is way over his head and was so fucking flat in that movie it was disgusting and i don't understand why everyone defends how horrendous he was in that movie

    renner would've won the oscar for that role that he treaded water in if it wasnt for another guy playing a boston hoodrat

    affleck has directed and written 3 great(not good) movies, except for the final 40 minutes of the town.

  5. actually i know why he was defended, hamm is likable and acceptable and its widely accepted to bash affleck

    the fucking guy peaked in the day the earth stood still

  6. i kinda wanted to see sucker punch...fudge.


please be a dick about this