Monday, November 1, 2010

Jurrasic Park 4 pt2 of way too many

Ok lets just do a basic outline of the script real quick.


For the sake of this story we are pretending that 1 was the only JP movie as it is to most people to begin with. Of course it doesn't matter that the bastard son of JP, JP2 happened it really had no impact on anything unless that was the movie where the t-rex came back to the mainland in which case we have to pretend that didn't happen. With out a doubt we have to forget that 3 happened. I wish I could forget it too. That way the idea of re-visiting the park wouldn't have the stench of past failure and lost money....kind of like the existing sequels.

So the majority of this movie takes place but where else....ON THE FUCKING ISLAND because no one gives a shit about the other islands where back up dinosaurs were made. And with all due respect to the Jurassic Park 3 writing staff (who obviously know what you're doing anyway taking a huge franchise and fucking destroying it completely killing the money printing machine and any heat a potential 4th movie could have had ANY MONEY I COULD HAVE MADE OFF THIS MOVIE HAS BEEN SLASHED BY A 5TH BY THESE FUCKING JERK OFFS) anyways, as an aside to the JP3 writers, you're a disgrace for not even involving the original island and it was nothing but being fucking lazy to not involve it. They had no reasoning to move to a second Beta Island, other than needing an excuse to have boats to be able to land on said island with out it without anyone in the audience saying "why would anyone go there?". The nerve of JP3 writers going "fuck it dude, new island?" What's the difference? Why couldn't people just have gotten off course and fucking....Anyways. The setting : the fucking park that is Jurassic.
plus can you imagine how much pussy I could get if I brought a broad to this place on a movie shoot?


Why go back? Hammond is dead (evolved since I saw jp2 from Hammond wants to go back) and his son John Hammond the second played by Nicolas Cage(steady now) wants to try and re-imagine the park and make it shittier and try and sell toys (movie critique inside movie BRILLIANT!!). So he gathers investors and workers in the first 8 minutes of the movie leading to he and his 100+ man team show up to take over the island put lizards in cages. Rebuild. Promote. Produce. Always Be Closing.

Anyways you just probably spit on your monitor but if I may answer your question: why Nicolas Cage?!?

4 reasons.

1. Nic Cage is the perfect age to be Hammond's son and the father of the two kids from the first one.

2. Say what you will about Cage, homeboy can play neurotic eccentric billionaire buffoon who didn't earn anything so much as just hit the DNA lottery.

3. You have to want the character to be unlikable. And no one likes Cage and thus when raptors jump on him gut his stomach and a trex bites his torso off at the nipples the crowd will douse each other with popcorn out of excitement.

4. We're not exactly making A Clockwork Orange or 8 1/2. We're making a fucking sequel to a movie about dinosaur zoo.

come on!! he's so in.

Nic is one of the few characters/actors who I've had cast since I was 15 or whatever and didn't remove because I realized he was just me taking a character from literature or changed the actor because that person is no longer in the class to appear in a movie like this(like Neve Campbell falling off the face of the earth). He just kind of makes sense in a movie like this, not too serious of a movie but won't do the whole thing a disservice by being attached to it. He can be unlikable(which is key here) and he can carry a big budget movie(into the ground where I plan on driving this movie and whatever movie company that is dumb enough to hire me for this). I don't HATE Nic Cage but I'm certainly not completely in love with him.

So JH2 assembles a team of rustlers/former armed forces guys/zoologists/wranglers/animal controllers/misc people. All in all a team of loosely 100 go to the island now the high number is key. It has to be a high number and for some of you who are wondering why so many people? Won't that be a clusterfuck? We're going to over saturate the story line with humans!!!

All relevant point until I give you the reasoning. I need a lot of people in this movie because, I want a lot of people to die on this island.

Oh by the way its a rated R horror film featuring full frontal nudity, violence, adult language racism, consumption of human flesh, sexism, bigotry, gore, automatic weapons, explosions, tits, severe anatomical disassembling of humans and probably male rape by a triceratops.

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