Sunday, October 16, 2011

the walking meh'd

The Walking Dead is such a great well written show I've watched 8 minutes of the second season premier and I've decided I don't have to watch the first season.

It's ok and all I guess if this is your thing, but honestly, its just a 90 minute typical zombie movie just with the middle hour of it lasting 9 hours.

I guess I just don't like horror movies unless they're suspenseful and done really well. Not that this isn't done well because I've watched 12 minutes now and I can't really destroy the whole series just to do it. But I mean... Its just a fucking zombie with plots and points borrowed from every zombie movie.

the kid
the stranger with the past
can we fix them
is there a place with cure
is there a nonzombie city

this show is ok if you skip through the really piss poor back story and tension between the shallow as fuck characters. just skip to the suspense. but then again i'm sure you could say the same thing about any shitty action movie.

all these plots have been done before. no one has any responsibility with this show to do anything new. amc is a million times better than this, they just went for a niche audience and they got it because people who are childish enough to like zombie stories will literally like anything just because its a zombie story.

just without tits.
at least Zombieland was funny, for parts.


  1. The pilot was one an excellent zombie movie
    good writing, pacing, and acting
    the rest of the series hasn't been as good because the show seems to lack direction
    (I've never read the comic and am happy to assume that it lacked direction, too)
    also, a few of the actors aren't great
    and AMC has a "no-likable-female-characters" policy that sweeps over all of their programming
    people who are childish enough to like zombie stories will literally like anything just because its a zombie story
    slam dunk

  2. I think the problem is zombies are pretty boring,they just walk about groaning like your drunk uncle. I always prefer my villains to be over the top and dramatic like Hans gruber, Skeletor,or Dr Doom.

  3. How many sad oh shit they git bit/eaten story lines can they do?


please be a dick about this