Saturday, April 2, 2011

Executive Decison

Executive Decision on Spike. John Leguizano. Asian guy from Oz. Kurt Russel. Halle Berry. Steven Segal. The guy who blew his brains out in A Few Good Men. The one armed man from the Fugitive. Donald Trump's ex-wife. The Jump to Conclusions guy from Office Space. The Doctor from Total Recall. Oliver Plat. Black Guy from Terminator 2. The guy who directed Lethal Weapon and Superman. The guy who wrote Predator.

Fuck is this?

It is nice that the terrorists in this movie are muslim though. I'm kind of sick of seeing Eastern Europeans billed as suicide pact having terrorists. Does anyone think its funny that the movie was basically saved by Kurt Russel racially profiling looking for muslims on a plane? I'm in.


  1. John Leguizamo has no pattern to his casting. It's like they throw a dart at a genre board and slap him in whatever is coming out.

  2. he was anti-galifinakis, cast in major movies as EVERYTHING

    what happened? did he just burn himself out or did he make enough and just go get a place on a beach or something

  3. Voice acting in Ice Age 4 whatever the fuck that means.

    Anyway, there's no Eastern European advocacy groups to complain over characterization or whatever. I don't think there's going to be a Serbian or Albanian Anti-Defamation League any time soon. They're less into covering up their cultural shortcomings.

    Yeah just google searched it. Nothing.

  4. Lequizamo was well-cast as The Clown in Spawn.
    I vaguely recall magazines like Wizard running dream casting articles where they'd suggest that Danny Devito was the only choice (which is the obvious nerd choice-- they also used to fake-cast Mel Gibson as everyone: Savage Dragon, Wolverine, your mom, my mom, etc.). The line of thought seemed to be: get a short, fat man with a raspy voice. Instead, they cracked the code and went with John Leguizamo Dorfing it up on kneepads.

  5. i never got through the spawn movie
    mel gibson would've been a better wolverine than fuckken jackman


please be a dick about this