Thursday, October 25, 2012


When Neurosis submitted their album for review(me downloading it illegally off a blogsite) I figured here we go, another installment from my favorite band. And it's funny because I never gave myself a chance to really explore Given To The Rising. Which is fine that album only came out a couple years agFIVE!?!? THAT WAS FIVE YEARS AGO?

Ok first song. I love neurosis however I find it extremely presumptive of Scott Kelly to say we ALL rage in blood. Speak for yourself mister.

I sometimes think that Scott and Steve just try to see what an ass the other one is acting like, and tries to out do it. Like a pissing contest. It's like a game of dickhead chicken and neither of them is going to pull up and admit that the other won. Like oh you wrote about walking through snow fields that go on forever? Ok well let me compound it and scream more about wolves some more. Fuck he made the reference to blistered hands now what? I got it I'll bring up unending darkness.

I don't get it. Will the new world be cold or will it be too warm? They talk about deserts and snow so much I really don't even think they know what's going to happen. I wonder if they are doomsday prep-ers. Neurosis needs a reality show so bad. I bet they spent all their mercy money on a desalinization tank.

That's a really long verse to begin an album, it was kind of just a run on sentence. 18 bars is asking a lot of someone who listens to pop-rap but they've still got me. I mean of course they do. I love this band and I'm so happy to have more music from them. I'm a Neurosis apologist. I claim everything they've done after 1994 is gold. I even like their side projects, or ignore them if they suck.

Ahhhh it's Steve's turn. I love neurosis formula, it's a formula and it feels completely different every time. God do these lyrics make no sense at all to anyone but them. Whoever says these guys lyrics are great are just trying to fit in. Steve loves to hold notes. He's like a little Celine Dion in black jeans and a beard. Was that a vague heroin reference? Are heroin references ever not vague...other than that Baroness song about 'heroin what have you done with my friend'. God was that hilarious.

For a world with no people and just selected cults and nomadic wondered looking for berries and sustenance there sure is a shit ton of battles. There's 30 people left alive why are we fighting each other?

More of my favorite music. More lyrics that make no sense. Can't wait until Neurosis lets us into their little club where their lyrics don't just seem like a man listing things that seem not fun to go through and talk about being tired from walking a lot.

It gets to a point where I genuinely wonder about neurosis' life. Does anyone in neurosis own a copy of Up on DVD? Which member laughs at the other's lyrics behind their back the most? Do they rent? Own? What's their bathroom look like? Did they have any strong opinions on Chris Benoit? Christmas trees? Do they have kids that go to school or do they just wear cloaks around the house and practice with their scythe?

Yessss the slow starting song that eventually breaks after 4 minutes and turns into rifftits.... I guess that's every song. But fuck you. I need this. Iron? He brought up iron? Who is harvesting this iron? God the apocalypse just seems like too much work. I have no skills really. If the world ends will there be a band I can make fun of? Or will they battle me? I'm just not a fighter for survival type. And I'm one of the billions really. Only four or five of the 101 Dalmatians really fought for their lives if you think about it. The rest just ran behind the others and made sarcastic comments.

This song I guess is about starving. Which is fine. But it would be like me writing a song about hang gliding. Neurosis aren't exactly svelte and trim. Gaping wounds? Pass! He's yelling about shadow worlds. I assume this is a Zelda reference.

Just went to the bathroom and Scott is still yelling about a shadow world. Just use the mirror dude you'll go back to light world maybe that's the desert they're talking about? They talk about 'a mountain' 'a desert' Hyrule? My mind is blown.

I've always felt like X-Men First Class was a more enjoyable holocaust movie than Schindler's List.....what brought that up? This guitar part is lasting a while I guess haha.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

walken dead

Can anyone tell me what is likable about the horrible pirate hoarders the cast of the Walking Dead have become? I didn't really care if they died to begin with and now that they show no sign of being human I'm completely disconnected from everyone on the show.

Resident Evil Six

So like me you forgot how disappointing 5 was and still have your hard on for 4 and you bought 6. To be honest with you I don't understand how this series still exists. 8 something average games, 5 worse movies all held up by partial Jovovich nudity and a game cube game that came out 7 years ago that featured a quick time jet ski event as the final level. Well its too late, you surrendered your money anyways and its time to be underwhelmed like you were at a metal festival, you're surrounded by mouth breathing zombies that look ghastly and you're out 60$(insert your gross currency conversion here) and it appears to be hours before you get to feel safe again. If you are tired of the formula of the last couple games well then you're in luck you didn't just purchase a typical Resident Evil game, which is great, because you get tired of doing the same repetitive things and you long for a new format or at least a twist on what you've been playing in the last couple games. So here it is Resident Evil....meets Gears of War. What? You didn't want that? No one was asking for that? Well too bad.

Actually I understand changing the game around and Gears of War and Call of Duty sell a lot of units so as disappointed as I am with the decision to become a ultra-linear piss based duck and cover, push up the line, rail shooter. Updated formula I guess, don't want to go stale right? I play these games trying to figure out who is the Fifth Element girl and it never happens so what the piss do I know. But the duck and cover fire around corner way of playing this game is just boring, also pointless considering many times you are dumped into a huge room with bad guys spread out. So if you velcro your back to a wall you are probably about to get your neck bitten by a pale Asian man with blood dripping from his mouth. Which would be alarming if there was no such thing as porn tube sites.

I really don't know the characters, Leon is from 4, Chris is from 5, and everyone else is just a blur. The funniest part about the game is its assumption you care enough to remember its mythology, my favorite thing about comic books is when it catches you up during the story in a seamless transition, if you missed Thor 22, Thor 23 will do a reasonably acceptable job of letting you in on whats going on. Resident Evil assumes you are its biggest fan and they are above explaining anything to you. Just kind of hit the ground running, more importantly though it doesn't really matter does it? Leon is paired with some girl named Helena who you never get attached to or love like you do Ashley from 4. Chris has Piers, lol Piers. Jake and Sherry.... no idea. And eventually you play as Ada, Ada has the batman grappling hook that you don't really get to use that much and for the first 3 campaigns she is pretty much just a cock.

Speaking of outdated, why not abandon the whole stupid herb system? I'm getting rockets fired at me by militia henchmen and a gas has turned men into indestructable flesh eating giant mutants with Cyberdine arms, why am I finding potted plants and eating them to feel better? Why do I have to equip the plant and then hit the button to use it? Why don't I just use it out of my inventory? Maybe I should just be happy the duck and cover health regen system isn't in use. Lets talk about the modernized additions to the game...

New additions:

HUD/NAV Point!!! Well one is a constant NAV point on my HUD telling me where to go, constant. At no point is it not on the screen for the first couple chapters, Even if there is one door in a room, it will remind you that to progress, one must go through it. The ammo is always on the screen shown by twinkly lights, and when you fire an automatic weapon its incredibly distracting. The health Bar is always on the screen and apparently a stamina bar, which is impossible to run out of especially when you exchange trinkets for upgrades, which no one would ever do, except me.

Sliding!!!! They added the ability to run and slide on your ass and be able to fire from the ground. This is a great addition because mobility is something you don't need when fighting a room full of zombies, neither is the ability to not be pig piled on by zombies that are behind you(you can't turn around quickly when you're on the ground) so basically they added a feature that is for the bored and adventurous who want to see why nobody has ever won a boxing match in the prone position.

Swimming!!! Was swimming the missing element? The bane of my existence is the swimming parts in video games, never could get past the swimming part in NES Ninja Turtles, no one goes back to the swimming levels in Mario 64 for a fun review of the water mechanics, games are involving enough I don't know why I have to deal with the responsibility of my players blasted breathing. Granted you swim for about 2 minutes total but as you can tell it was a rather taxing 2 minutes on me. But seriously you know why there has never been a action underwater game where you have really great advanced swim physics? Because swimming is like watching your loved ones die in front of you.

Weapons!!!!!!! You store 20 different weapons in your back pocket. It becomes a little silly that by the end of the campaigns I have 4 assault rifles on me at all times, and never enough ammo. You can upgrade your weapons and skills as you go along by collecting trinkets that though barely having any value in reality but in a post apocalyptic time you can exchange them for the ability to kick harder and make bullets hurt more. The weapons gradually get bigger so the further you go into the game switching guns becomes more and more comedic and like a cartoon.


Your partner is just a hindrance, much like in parts of 4 when you had to protect Ashley, and all of 5. They go down needing to be picked back up, they never can cover for you in battle the way you need. Why is the single player game sacrificed for the need of a co-op campaign mode? Why would a zombie based horror thrill action game assume anyone has friends? Also it feels exactly like Medal of Honor when you are reduced to playing push up the front line over and over against the.... pro-zombie mercenary/henchmen? Anyone care to explain how evil someone can be so as to accept a check in return for supporting a gentleman who's main goal seems to be the death of 5.97 billion men women children tits and dolphins? You people are somehow worse than Nazis.

The weapon use is all the same everything has a laser site but you have the option for a retical if you need one, and if you do I recommend having someone come over and beat the game for you and sleep with your girlfriend because you are a knob. One great thing about this game is that the melee system is the best combat method, way superior to firing shotguns into zombies chests, which makes me think a ball was dropped here, and kicked down a hallway into the silly room. Shouldn't melee be a last line of defense? Whoever spent the time on the melee mechanics and art development had some sway with the final product, because the best way to confront a body armor wearing zombie firing a m4 at you from across a rooftop is to charge at them while they go through cycled animations of them yelling and pointing at you, get close enough to them and hit the L button to kick them in the chest or break their neck. After you've done the same melee moves 10 times each you get kind of tired of them, which is funny because then you get to say the sentence that just proves the myopic nature of this combat system "I'll think I'll challenge myself and use the firearms instead".

This game glitchy, my partner gets stuck in all doors, every little door has a tiny none shall pass Gandhalf reference within. Your partner also will either run away from you or stand in your way, there is no middle ground. Zombies that get in close to you can not be hit by bullets, there is no aiming system with anything within 4 feet, you will just miss, center-mass non-headshots are like peeing on a 10 story inferno. In fact the best way to kill these zombies is the one feature the game lacks the most, a back pedal option. If you're far enough away from an enemy it doesn't know its on camera and will just sit there waiting for its cue. You can repeat skull snipe them for as many hits as it takes(multiple head shots from sniper rifles are necessary apparently) and they won't move, they'll just take repeat beatings and sit there like an Irish woman until they die.

Camera system just aims into walls when it wants, there is no control there is just anarchy, back up into a wall and its like the camera man fell over something behind him and next thing you know some upside down man scorpion has mounted you. The controls are funnier than Neurosis lyrics at times, especially when you're close and combative, when you need them the most. They'll just point at a wall or you will disappear and if you expect the AI of your partner to help you in those spots they'll just get stuck on a texture at that point and basically you're stuck in a tailspin until a zombie mercifully decides to hit you and you fall on your ass and the camera repositions, unless you fall on your ass right next to a wall, then you're in for a special kind of hell.


The scale has gone way up but that's not an art, its just masturbation. its nothing but texture work like the quick time events to open doors become grinding out your time devoted to something that doesn't love you back. I have signed up to play a video game, why do you need to turn this into a job? The game is obviously visually stunning, the scale of bosses is remarkable, there are building collapses plane crashes, massive explosions, towers being toppled and it all is done really well. Visually this game is a 9 and I'm really only holding it back a point because I never played Skyrim and that's all anyone talked about. The levels seem huge but they're linear, cars locked doors and chairs... chairs block you from exploring which is kind of disappointing, I understand Resident Evil can't be a sand box game because that would be fun but does it have to feel like I'm being dragged behind a boat like I'm water skiing?

The interface/menu/HUD/inventory are all really impressive, I mean they're gorgeous but just confusing to no end and they mean nothing to me in any way and the only way I figure anything out is to click everything multiple times and just really hope things work out.

Catacombs... there are an awful lot in these games don't you think? Couple that with underground bunkers medical labs and Eastern European castles, you have every setting you can guess you would end up at. Plus the metropolitan cityscape that look like every multiplayer level in Call of Duty.

The game is dark though, I hate to admit this but I am a coward so I had to turn the brightness up a couple levels just so I could see better, and it turned out I ended up playing the entire game in a dusk lighting mode that probably completely kept me from immersing myself into the game, which is stupid, and made the game exponentially easier. I didn't miss a crate or a hidden walkway at that point. The backgrounds are breath taking but its a Resident Evil game, to give out points for that is like giving points for spelling your name right on the SAT test.


To complain that a game is too short is one thing, 5 was short, 6 is not short, 6 is long, long because it is a movie that you control between cinematic events.
The dialogue between the characters while you're walking around in between battle stuff is supposed to tie the story along right? But really I just have to ignore it because of the constant quick time events that if you do not complete you die. I can't listen to my partner talk about the next objective or whoever Simmons is because I'm constantly afraid the floor is going to drop out and I will have to hit two buttons consecutively to the metronome or I'm going to die. The game developers have to know this right?

Different stories bring different environments and different enemies which is cool, but though individually different from story to story they do get repetitive. Leon and Helena(these names will eventually mean something to you) fight standard Zombies. Chris and Piers fight mercenaries and sword armed fiddler crab zombies, who are sometimes armed, which I'm sure was explained but, during the explanation I was probably waiting for a QTE and didn't hear it. Jake and Sherry fight henchmen with hilariously poor aim and have a constant chapter ending battle with another video game boss(more on this later).

In closing:

Every boss is the same as every mini boss really, its a big stupid bio-scorpion arachnid thing with independently glowing appendages that you shoot when told to, its the same from the last couple games. The final boss for Leon is a half giraffe half German Shepard and a non-playable character kills it while you hang off the edge of a building like a stupid Flying Wallenda before it turns into the Brundle Fly. Jake and Sherry fight a mother from Bioshock(not kidding) and Chris and Piers the constant homo-eroticism between them throughout their storyline. I hear there are a lot of really great gruesome death scenes in this game, but I didn't really see any, because I'm not a fucking rookie. 5.375 out of 10. Oh wait there are animated tits...5.2/10.