Friday, December 16, 2011

dark knight 2 trailer leaked and here are a couple spoilers:

- its 90 minutes of actual story spread out over 3 hours
- the antagonists in the movie will be antiquated silly gimmicks
- the series will not be wrapped up
- it will take itself WAY too seriously
- Bane will look like Christina Hendricks tits wearing scuba equipment

I'm so unenthused with this franchise. I thoroughly liked the first one and I still don't get why they're going to make a 3rd of the same thing.


  1. Bane is such a bad pick if they're trying to make "serious" Batman anyway. He's a mexican wrestler with tubes pumping him full of a 12-year-old's idea of "hard drugs" and it's just going to end up being a joke.

    Liam Neeson was at least believable since they're going for "believable."

  2. If they ignore the comic version and make him just a thuggish brute it will be shit,but if they stay true to the comics it could work.He wanted to become the paragon of humanity intellectually as well as physically,and he has a pretty tragic origin.

  3. believable
    about a batman

    i just don't get it, the movie can not be hokey without taking itself holocaust serious

  4. They always go the serious route if the main character doesn`t have actual superpowers,the punisher is a good example of this.They only seem to have fun with the films if the main guy has a fantastic array of powers like Thor or Superman.Mayhap Adam West could replace Bale,he`d lighten up the mood!

  5. Too many characters need to be introduced, built up and ended there is no way this isn't going to be 2 and a half hours min

    Bruce hasn't been bman for a decade, need to retrain and get back into the groove

    need to introduce Selina Kyle and make her Catwoman

    Need to introduce Bane and expand on his purpose/plan/reason

    Talia Al Ghul will show up probably expanding/reinforcing Bane threat (which means more mustache twisting villainous dialog about how Gotham must be destroyed)

    Cillian Murphey is doing another Scarecrow cameo which is the only thing I am really amped on. Besides "In Time" he has never let me down in a role

    Joseph Gordon Levitt will be some guy we are supposed to care about too so lets not forget his back story and explanation for being there

    you're gonna need lots of weed to get through this


please be a dick about this