Sunday, November 27, 2011

Boardwalk EHmpire is the new SoprEHnos.

Can anyone explain to me why anyone watches the 3rd and 4th show before the season finale of any show anymore? the best shows going all have miss episodes and i understand for me to demand constant perfection when i do nothing even close to acceptable is disgusting, but fuck this.

The system is becoming clockwork and I'm starting to think every show is the same. Heres a 10 episode show sample format..
1. Loose eneds from first season and 1st episode back unfortunately for me the cliffhanger from previous season is usually marginalized because the writers have a whole pile of new ideas they think are more important then what they did 18 months ago so its kind of downplayed by new revelations. Eventually the platform for the next 9 episodes is discovered. But not really to any depth other than a general theme, usually this episode contains more of a dramatic turn of events in the characters then anything you'd like to see addressed from the season before ie: questions cliff hangers.

2nd episode = set up for the remainder season this is almost always skip-able, everything of consequence you is either used later in the season or in the first episode to grab you. If this was a trip, this would be the gathering of supplies packing and pumping of gas before the journey. Its the night before you go to the airport.

3-7 Groundwork: this is where you are now and from week to week somethings will happen but don't worry, we know you don't watch a show to see someone get killed in the middle of a season, we're not the wire. various questions will be asked, few answered, those are saved (or just ignored if this the sopranos) 1 of these around 4,5,6 will be complete building block episode and hopefully the writers will include some sort of story arch there otherwise you're just watching a child play with legos for an hour or sometimes god forbid an hour with commercials.

8 Structure: Completely fucking unwatchable. it is 100% the lets reorganize the questions that will be answered in the season finale or the season premier next year, and provide back story and structure that is necessary to do this. i don't hate these episodes, unless it was like tonight's Boardwalk Empire(which i am all but fucking done with). its the infrastructure of a climactic setting, its nice, but no one wants to see people mow the lawn that the world series game 7 is about to be played on. I understand it has to happen, but why not do a little bit more episodes 3-7, some shows can do that like The Wire, but then again some can't like The Sopranos. No one wants to make and bake the fucking bread just eat it.

9 Build up: This is the heavy petting and bj of the series. this really is just the car chase/lead henchmen fight of a movie.

Its usually the best part of the movie/sex too but ignore that, i'm just using it as a poor comparison that i can't be bothered to change right now and really i want an excuse to post a picture of Prince Goro. Who by the way would be fucking raped by Motaro in that fight. Motaro is harder to beat than a korean in StarCraft. Hardest underboss/boss/character ever, at least for me in the 7 fighter games i played and the 4 i can remember.

10. The climax this is what the writers thought of first and everything has been reverse engineered since. Its usually the best part of a show and rarely disappoints (unless its the sopranos). The one thing I hate about this episode is there is some pressure from execs to keep the audience for the next season and sometimes is laden with unneeded questions and cliffhangers, as if the people who run the network are scared people will forget about things and its really upsetting, 1 because it hamstrings writers and 2 it probably is nothing like that and I am just guessing.

at this point i'm so tired of boardwalk that i don't know what to do. i know 6 characters.
1 nucky
2 those 3 other guys that look the same one is a cop one is not a cop and the other who is not a cop.
3 that weird lipped girl that shows her tits who i'd post an obligatory picture of if i could find ONE that is safe for work
4 the other lady that doesn't
5 good looking Al Capone who's presence in the show is completely distracting
6 the various nobodies
8 omar
7 all the other women who get naked

I swear the writers of this show know when its dragging and just throws a pile of tits on screen to distract from the show needing more cohesion down time than the fucking sopranos or if someone tried to do the natural transition movie from Tom Cruise's characters in Cocktail to Minority Report, where cruise gives up being a trick pour bartender in nightclubs in a happy and battle tested relationship with Elizabeth Shue (who is fucking slumming, rich dude's daughter with a future falls in love with a guy who spins bottles?) and decides to become a future crimey detective who uses oracles to determine crimes before they start. which would be a fucking lot. I love the idea of the show, and i and i guess it would be fine if i was 45 and had a wife and kids. but seriously what is going on? When nucky decided to go on the get whiskey trip i rolled my eyes. its like when a sitcom does a road story just to get a refresh of the characters outside of their standard setting, why?

and i know i can't judge the show by this but having the jerky guy from finding forester and henry from the story arch with Jen when he was the on dawson's creek, ps when is his character supposed to come back from football camp? no? write him off? fuck it? fine. I haven't seen someone be so lazy to write a character off like that since...the sopranos.

Soprano's had what Public Enemies had, the perfect setting plot characters and story, and just dog fucked it. The people who loved the show loved it because of the concept of what the show could've been, a mob story, an episodic Godfather crime drama. They hated what it really was, a messy, convoluted, poorly paced soap opera about a man and his psychiatrist and his boring relationship with his family NO ONE cares about. For every great episode there are 4 where nothing anyone remembers anything about.

So in a way HBO got what it wanted, the logical heir to the throne that The Sopranos gave up when it went away, just not where it wanted, its not the most popular and best show on tv, Breaking Bad is. Its just the most frustrating and overrated.

Friday, November 25, 2011

In Die Another Day there is a scene with an invisible car. How did they let this series continue? James Bond movies sucked from the 70s until 2005.

Monday, November 21, 2011

i understand i am not brave. but whoever is holding this watermelon wedge is a fucking test pilot.

god bats are atrocious animals (and plots for superhero movie sequels)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Credibility. I has none. I will not review J Edgar because of how much I love Clint Eastwood. Leo needs to be done with biopics. I love you Clint and I'm sorry.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

someone please name me a movie where harrison ford's role couldn't easily be filled by sam shepard, alec baldwin or michael douglas and the movie would seriously suffer or even miss a step?