Sidney Poitier being in the Jackal.
Richard Gere being billed as a tough IRA assassin.
Richard Gere's accent in the Jackal.
Richard Gere in chicago.
Jack Black's career after the Jackal.
Jack Black's acting in the Jackal.
The lady's fake Russian accent.
The continuity problems with her smoking in some scenes then lighting a cigarette in the next one.
Bruce Willis' costumes and disguises in the Jackal.
Bruce Willis going through the trouble of creating a unmanned rifle that can shoot miles away just to shoot the first lady from 300 feet when no one even knew where the shots were coming from.
Bruce Willis' Simon Phoenix impersonation when he doesn't know how to play an actual homicidal killer.
The fact a nearby subway wouldn't be shut down after a 50 cal automatic rifle just painted a building where a thousand plus people just almost died at.
A plot to kill the first lady and this not being the first or last movie to visit that idea.
unless Adrien Brody is already in the cast or either Joel Schummacher or Roland Emmerich are directing, Richard Gere will always be the worst thing in any movie