Sunday, January 2, 2011


I knew I was in a lot of trouble when in the first 10 minutes of a movie they pull a mini-twist and reveal dream dimensions can be a part of someone else's dream dimension. It would be like watching the never ending story and Atreyu picks up a book and gets all deep in it while riding Falcor's back. By that point you feel really silly. So I move forward in this moving taking every step completely weary that everything may be a dream and I feel like I'm being tested and not watching a movie. Its like a 148 minute highlights magazine find whats wrong in this picture puzzle and whats worse is I'm watching this with a girl and I don't wanna look like an asshole when I don't know whats going on because if this girl has to explain shit to me how can I expect her to fuck me after?

I didn't dislike this movie these writers the direction and obviously not the effects or cinematography but when a movie has the benefit of an alternate consequence free reality like a dream world or a matrix then I feel like nothing in the movie matters anymore. It just seems like I'm not worried about the main characters and what could happen to them in any situation because they could just wake up. Also for me it tends to kill every bit of immersion I could have in the movie. That's not a knock on the movie. But its my take on things so I'm sticking with it. I just find it hard to take any reality seriously after that. Imagine watching Indiana Jones where the boulder would just wake him up or Brody could just splash Jones with water if the Nazis were about to Luftwaffe him and his dad out of the sky?

Then Juno showed up and the movie and she brings in an element of quirky humor which is perfect because I don't think Leonardo DiCaprio is capable of humor. He's a fantastic actor and maybe he just has honestly never given it a go but I'm starting to think he's just void of it. I still think Juno's best movie still is Xmen3 by the way. And that's the worst X men movie. Unless you count the wolverine movie. By the way do you think if I dream that Hugh Jackman was straight my brain would fry in my skull based on the over-clocking it would take to keep all those plates spinning at once. If my mind is a XBox it would take a super pi infinite decimal calculating computer to keep up that charade.

Seriously how mad is Nolan and the writer that no one can watch this movie without thinking about the stupid Matrix. If its of any condolence to Nolan I wish I didn't see it either. At least that way bullet time physics in movies wouldn't be so stale and tired to me. I hate that there is also the dream pain becomes real pain.

Also another way to take me out of a movie is saying the name of the movie in the script. This movie has done it multiple times. When DiCaprio says "inception" I can't help but think "oh yeah he's an actor this is a movie". I felt the same way earlier in the movie when he was pulling himself up a building via a rope. I instantly realized "oh this is a stupid movie" when I saw that.

Casting of this movie:

So I guess Juno is in this movie plays narrator. All she does is ask questions for benefit of the viewer. They should have her go a step further and do the credits with Levitt and DiCaprio. Who was the executive producer? Who catered? Where was the movie filmed?

Oh and he cast the Scarecrow from the good batman movie. He's really off putting and eery to even look at. Plus the whole "is this a subplot to something Scarecrow is doing in the Gotham Knight world" is always a nice little game to play even if its fucking chaotically stupid and based in nothing. As nonsensical as my idea is I still would enjoy it.

I feel like I've seen this Asian guy a million time. I keep thinking he's Chow Yun Fat but that's not the case and in all honesty thats pretty racist of me to begin with. I'll imdb him later for a nice little treat. Good job in casting British John Hamm, I guess men weren't handsome enough give him an accent and I couldn't be more inadequate. The addition of Joseph Gordon Levitt makes me think this movie was cast by any girl I've ever dated reading a list called "guys I would throw Jed off a fucking bridge for". Michael Cain in this movie is just useless its almost like the movie is bragging by having him in here. Nolan does that. Oldman, Cain, and Freeman all playing roles in the batman series that were so plain and emotion and uninvolved that Angelina Jolie could've played them and the movie wouldn't have fallen apart despite her massive void of talent.

Jesus Christ Beringer is in this movie? OK! I'm taking it serious now! ONE SHOT ONE KILL! I'm all in! Tommy-gun is so underrated as an actor its a stand out. Especially in a blog where some fan boy does nothing but call shit overrated. This French lady playing DiCaprio's too complicated for me to describe at this points wife is beautiful. I mean for me she is. If I was Leonardo DiCaprio she would be blowing the guy who washed my cars. Oh hey the Asian guy is from the good batman movie and the Last of the Samurai to Dance With Wolves. Now recognizing him is far less impressive and reeeeeally racist.

ok back to the movie

Its amazing how scary DiCaprio's Frenchy wife is. And this is whats rad about this movie in a sense that she's just a person no powers or a chainsaw or anything and she is really intimidating. She's a great actress too. I saw that french movie she won the oscar for and she was well deserving. A big problem I have with this however is the fact that her ability as an actress in this movie only makes me out and out despise Public Enemies for being such a piss poor emulsion of great acting great script and such piss poor execution. This is why I guess I'll say Nolan is a very good director. He had the Public Enemies set up and didn't Michael Mann it.

Also why does DiCaprio have like a 7 men team? Are all these people necessary? This is just confusing and it just keeps screaming that some people are gonna die but we couldn't commit to it being a main character AND that someone is gonna screw someone else over. Remember earlier when I said Juno was bringing in some sort of humor into the movie? Well ol' sour puss Leo has pretty much washed this movie of that. Leo always plays a dude with some rough edges. Or at least he does in the movies I've seen him in and am thinking of now. I wonder if Leo could ever play a dude in control who doesn't have cold sweats from a tortured past?

Anyways I don't wanna spoil the movie or whatever for those who haven't seen it. If you haven't know that you're ruining the point of my blog with the "movies you already saw" title. The final climax is actually 4 climaxes at once, so i guess for lack of better terms this was a good film. Suffice to say it is bitter sweet and the ending is confusing and the twists are silly and all benefit GREATLY from the complex dream with in a dream with in a dream with in a dream scenario the movie has been set up as to having. A lot like a safety net. The movie in its own way is a lot like Pan's Labyrinth. I have no idea really what the fuck happened and what was a dream and what wasn't but I know everyone expects me to like it and somehow care about it.

And I think I do. Maybe. All I know is I really enjoy Ellen Page and I'm not sure why.


  1. "I wonder if Leo could ever play a dude in control who doesn't have cold sweats from a tortured past?"

    Critters 3.
    the quick and the dead.
    What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

  2. critters? stop it

    quick and the dead, his dead fucking killed him in a shoot out things were not reasonable

    gilbert grape doesn't count because he had a bad past he lived in a broken house and his mom was set on fire

    but good counterpoints


please be a dick about this