Wednesday, June 6, 2012

getting deep with thrones.

Why does the show think that the hound quitting the war means anything to me? You've spent no time explaining him to anyone how do I know he wouldn't do something like that? Your show is spread too fucking thin and I don't know who this jerk off is or why he quit or if him quitting was fuck all expected or not. You spent 8 episodes getting me ready for a 35 minute war how dare you say winter was fucking coming when it shows up at the end of the last episode 20 seconds before credits. People draw comparisons to lotr and this show and they're right. They both made you sit through 9 hours of set up to see a short war that you thought was brief but ended with an army you don't care about showing up and beating everyone off camera.

It's funny when you read about the budget restraints on this show and what they did to save money. They really did a brilliant job of stretching a buck at parts and then having the scenes in New Zealand look so great spending millions there. But really, this was just a set up season. There was one great part of one show and the rest has just asked more of the viewers. There was no progress in a lot of story lines. 15 minutes devoted to the Dragon Girl. Maybe double that for the Night's Watch. Why even have them?

How can the story they end the last season with mean nothing this season? If season 3 is anything like season 2 the snow zombies will be a 15 minute sub plot that is killed off in the final episode before anyone really has time to think about what they are/were to the overall story.