Thursday, March 29, 2012

yeah thats about it

This truly is the Oceans 11 super cast of no talent. Every mediocre black actor is in this movie Where is Idris Elba?
He couldn't get away from filming The Losers? When will there be a Fast and Furious and The Expendables cross over movie?

Holy shit why is the bad guy from Desperado oh.... He's the bad guy. I guess I'm supposed to believe that he's Brazilian. Because this takes place in RIo. Which in it of itself is fucking hilarious. 3rd continent for this franchise. Psyched about the Sudan installment where Dom races some local diamond mine war lord guy played by again the logical direction for this franchise....Idris Elba. of course they'll have an evil right hand gorgeous woman henchman.

Everything tyrese says is offensively stereotypical black guy to the point it is racist. If this movie was viewed by a more educated audience who knew that it should be viewed as offensive it would be a much bigger issue than it is.

Don Omar? Tego Calderon? Where is Daddy Yankee? Cars play almost no role. I never would've guessed that two reggaeton stars and a rapper would play a much bigger role on this movie than any car.

Ahhhh. The trade mark of a lazy script. Completely made up technology that will probably never exist. It's like a James Bond gimmick.

Tyrese has giraffe mouth.

1/3rd of the movie is in subtitle-less Spanish. I'm watching the DVD and the only subtitle option is Spanish and Thai. Is what they're saying to each other important? I have no idea what the bad guys, the cops or two of the guys on the team are saying.

0 car driving. They show implied racing. They don't even show the racing. They implied a race occurred. I'm watching a heist movie under the guise of racing. What the fuck is this?

The rock disappears for 45 minutes mid movie. It's like he had 4 days on the set. He's the antagonist and he dominated the story at first and now it's over. The movie took a break from establishing a character and now we are watching guys weld stuff without explaining what they're doing.

I hate it when my parents fight

The most obvious plot twist betray telegraphed 40% into the movie. That everyone knows is coming. Also I'm complaining about a Fast and Furious movie telegraphing its twist. Figuring it out doesn't make me feel smart. I'm actually giving the movie praise because I thought the movie would've taken less time.

What is Dom Turrano anyways? Italian? Mexican? He's half black isn't he? What is he? They imply he's about 10 different nationalities. His sister is Latin gf is Mexican. They elude to him being Italian. I'm lost.

At least 42 unblocked full swing connected punches to the face in the rock vs vin diesel fight. People would die if they got hit full force this many times. ........SOMEONE THROW A BLOCK.

The rock joins forces with diesel.



They tow a gigantic safe down a street and it crushes a fuck ton of buildings and cars probably killing dozens. But apparently they're the good guys. How does The Rock explain to his superiors why he took part in a robbery that destroyed millions of dollars of private property including what looked like hospitals schools banks and definitely a police department. The tow lines connected to the vault they are dragging rip down numerous concrete structures. I guess they're made out of adamantium. How do the lines not break?
This is bizarre now. You're killing police men. I understand the higher ups are corrupted but you are driving a safe down a metropolitan area murdering civilians eventually some legit cops are going to ask you to stop doing that. And you respond with murderous rage.

How many empty garages are there in Rio? The entire movie takes place in 6 different empty garage locations scattered across a city. That city being Rio.
Why Rio?

In closing.


Monday, March 26, 2012

No one makes me laugh harder longer than my dad. He is the best thing that ever happens to me. If it wasn't for him I would be a destitute bum blowing men for cash for mouthwash to get drunk on. I learned how to be funny from him and I only wanted really to be funny to make him laugh.

4 years ago my Dadsy had heart surgery and I never really asked him about it but today out of nowhere I did. I asked him if e prayed. Not a terribly religious man my dads answer of "no" was no surprise. But then he said something I felt I had to write down.

"I don't think god answers those things. If he did on a case by case basis I don't want his help."

So I just recently found out I'm sick, and its going to be a while until I'm ok. But I think I'm gonna listen to my dad and for once in my life not be a little baby about things.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

music...because the other blog is dead

I really liked Anathema. They always seemed like a more refined?(lack of better term) Katatonia. I even purchase their music as it comes out. I didn't listen to the last album so can someone please explain to me when they completely changed? They were never razorwire and cocks but I'm completely lost with this new stuff.

When did they become diet Opeth? When did they become Evanessance tough? When did Anathema become praise music for a non-denominational deity? Girl vocals? Is this someone's girlfriend?

This is background music for a video collage of still pictures from a born again's white water rafting trip with her church group. This is really weird, it just seems like final episode review montage music for a reality show that involves a rope course.

does this make sense to anyone?

also there will be no download as its really easy to find, and you should come here for ME not the music.

also as a wierd aside. i enjoy this album. a lot.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

hbo cancels luck

so with walking dead suddenly becoming good I don't have much to complain about. So why not say something awful.

I honestly don't care that much about horses lives to really jeopardize my entertainment. I know thats probably horrible and the horses didn't ask to be put in a show or whatever the response is fine and you're not wrong. But really if someone told me 3 horses were going to die but you would be highly entertained I would sign up. Now I'm not a malicious psycho who needs to see animals be killed and honestly I'd like the footage never to surface. But that doesn't mean a show has to hault. Micheal Mann really is a twat for this, he has his second good production in his entire life and he nixes it.

I guess its sad these animals died, but really, this is a Dustin Hoffman production. Its worth at least 3 human lives let alone big stupid stork dogs. They don't even love. They're just awkward deercows. Dumb pricks. I bet they would've lived too if they just had it in them to get a hold of themselves. Horses are like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man during the baby scene. They just go to pieces over nothing, difference being horses have the decency to kill themselves usually in their panic. Legs snapping or running off cliffs and what not.

Sad that Luck is gone. Kind of wish that Game of Thrones would get the ax in its place. Not that I don't enjoy the show just that I'm sick of people comparing it to the television version of the rapture. Its very ok. But if you like shows because it has a fantasy land element of dragons and sorcery you're a fucking child. And when you add tits to it, you are a fucking creep.

Rest In Peace Luck, you were the second HBO show me and my dad really enjoyed.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Halle Berry made a shark movie with the director from Blue Crush. Can we take away her oscar yet?

Monday, March 5, 2012

weekly walking dead post

Walking dead

Ok. I won't type out the stupid this show only does suspense well thing. So fuck it. I guess because the last episode was so good they needed a catch up episode. So we check back in on the Korean guy and I don't remember the last time the black guy talked.

The dead child's mother is annoying and yeah she's basically dead meat waiting until her sympathy is dried up and people don't care about her. They will kill her off. But I mean honestly. I can not stand Dale.

He's just...


doing the same fucking thing...

and its just

He's the most exasperated and bewildered character ever on television. Stopped being shocked by your surroundings.

I swear they added a daughter to Herschel for no reason other than they'll need to kill her. They used a kid and zombie thrill for two commercial break cliff hangers. Two. Congrats show. And this is another thing I am officially over with this show. Why does there always have to be a longing conversation about life before. Its like the show is basically guys hanging out with their highschool friends and reminiscing about the good ol' days. And its like, I understand you are in a transitional period in your life, but we know this. We watched your life, you don't have to explain to us how you feel when we saw you transform. Its not like if you were watching a show about butterflies and they feel the need to tell you what life was back when they were just a caterpillar. And its like, yeah, I knew you then. We don't have to review that life has changed, we watched it changed. Now if we met you when you were a butterfly then its like. Ok. Tell me about you as a caterpillar because I have no idea.

Whatever. Enough about this show. It's gotten better lately. Hitting it with a newspaper is not called for. Especially with the delightful treat at the end of the episode. Fuck You Dale.

Also how long does it take to decide to shoot some one who is bleeding out on the dirty ground with his fucking guts ripped out? I don't know either, but that reminds me I need to finish my Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy review.